Being aware of all other road users
Main skills in this section:
- Meeting and crossing traffic
- Overtaking
- Junctions
- Using roundabouts
- Approaching pedestrian crossings
Meeting and crossing traffic
What this skill covers
Driving safely when meeting or crossing traffic on:
One-way and two-way roads
Three-lane (where possible) and two-way roads
Major and minor roads
Narrow roads
Dual carriageways
What you must know and understand
When and why you should give way to other road users
Passing places and warning signs
What to do when passing obstructions, such as parked vehicles
How to act on what they see
You must use the MSM and PSL routine.
What this skill covers
Being able to safely overtake other vehicles on:
One-way and two-way roads
Three-lane (where possible) and two-way roads
Major and minor roads
Dual carriageways
What you must know and understand
Check their speed and position before overtaking
Check behind and in front of their car
Check if there is enough space for them to pull their car into the traffic in front of the vehicle that they’re overtaking
You must use the MSM and PSL routine.
What this skill covers
Driving safely and negotiating any junction, including:
Turning left, turning right
T-junctions and Y-junctions
Crossroads and slip roads
Marked and unmarked junctions
One-way streets
Urban areas and rural areas
Dual carriageways
Yellow box junctions
What you must know and understand:
The rules for turning, entering and coming out of junctions
Advance warning signs and road markings
The order of traffic lights
What the zone of vision is
Which vehicle has priority at a junction
Your pupil must use the MSM and PSL routine.
Using roundabouts
What this skill covers
Driving safely and confidently on these types of roundabouts:
Mini and major
Multiple and satellite (where possible)
Traffic light controlled
What you must know and understand
The importance of lane discipline at a roundabout
The zones of vision at a roundabout
How to use observation early
To not assume that the vehicle in front will pull away
Which vehicle has priority at a roundabout
You must use the MSM and PSL routine.
Approaching pedestrian crossings
What this skill covers
Approaching controlled (such as pelican) and uncontrolled (such as zebra) pedestrian crossings. How to obey school crossing patrols.
What you must know and understand:
The visual warnings of a pedestrian crossing
The speed restriction as they approach a pedestrian crossing
Not to overtake near a pedestrian crossing
That they need to scan for pedestrians as they approach a pedestrian crossing
The times and places of high risk
How different weather conditions can add to the risk
What central refuges and split carriageways are
Your pupil must use the MSM and PSL routine.