Automatic Gearbox Car:

Automatic Gearbox
Automatic transmissions have been not popular in the UK and Europe but are changing. In 2017, 40 percent of all new cars were fitted with an automatic gearbox, including CVT and ‘semi-automatic’ varieties. It’s thought that consumers enjoy the relative ease with which automatic cars are operated compared to manual gears cars.
Automatic cars are easier to drive and the overall cost of learning is cheaper, as you don’t have to worry about clutch control or using a gear stick and stalling. For this reason, some people choose to learn to drive an automatic car.
However, there are some drawbacks. If you pass your driving test with an automatic car, you’re only legally allowed to drive automatic cars and not manual gearbox.
Driving lessons are also typically more expensive if you’re learning with an automatic car.
8 Reasons to consider when choosing an Automatic car
- Higher lessons price per hour – Typically for 1 hour cost £30 – £35
- Quicker to learn
- Passing your driving test in an automatic, means you’re licensed to drive only Automatic
- It’s more expensive to buy an Automatic car
- The higher cost of car insurance is about 10%
- Higher cost for maintenance
- Cost-effective on fuel
- JOB PROSPECT – Most commercial vehicles drivers require a full license – Manual (This is changing)
If your driving test – Category B auto
You can drive a category B vehicle – but only an automatic one.
The decision is yours – just make sure you’ve considered all your options first.
Tips. Talk to your partner or family and friends who are drivers. They will understand your needs more than a stranger over the phone.