Driving in different road conditions
Main skills in this section:
- Driving in the dark
- Driving on wet roads and in bad weather
- Driving in bright sunshine
Driving in the dark
What this skill covers
Driving in the dark on urban and rural roads, single and dual carriageways.
What you must know and understand:
How to drive at an appropriate speed
The impact that darkness has on their visibility
How to use their lights (including hazard lights) and horn
How to deal with the dazzle from the lights of other vehicles
How to park safely
Driving on wet roads and in bad weather
What this skill covers
Driving safely on wet roads and in other bad weather.
This includes driving in the fog, ice, snow or wind.
What you must know and understand:
How to drive at an appropriate speed
What the stopping distances are
The impact of the weather on their visibility
How to cope with skidding and aquaplaning
What warning signs and signals to look for
How to use their lights (including hazard lights) and horn
Anti-lock braking and vehicle stability systems
How to park safely
Driving in bright sunshine
What this skill covers
Driving in bright sunshine, dealing with glare and low winter sun.
What you must know and understand
They must reduce their speed and leave a bigger stopping distance between them and the Car in front
To drive carefully and look out for pedestrians and cyclists
That windscreens should be kept clean as a dirty windscreen can make dazzle worse
To wear sunglasses or use the visor to reduce glare